Parema tuleviku loomiseks teeme koostööd, jagame parimaid tavasid ja vahetame teadmisi isiklikel või virtuaalsetel kohtumistel, töötubades ja riiklikul tasemel konverentsidel. Liitu meiega.
Maamess 2023
Maamess toimub 20.-22. aprillil 2023
Järjekorras 29. rahvusvaheline põllumajanduse, metsanduse, aianduse ja toidutööstuse ettevõtteid ja organisatsioone koondav mess toimub 20.-22. aprillil 2023 Tartu Näituste messikeskuses.
Loodushoiu Fond osaleb metsatelgis:
Stendi number: A-1A
12. mail algusega kell 15:00 on võimalik osaleda 2h kestval digiseminaril, mille käigus tutvustab uusmetsastamise süsinikuprojekti arendaja Ecobase tegevusi, mille eesmärgiks on maaomanikule lisa sissetuleku loomine läbi mittemetsamaa metsastamise.
Registreeri end seminarile SIIN. Lingi saadame registreerunutele hiljemalt 12. mai lõunaks.
Seminari viivad läbi Loodushoiu Fondi juhatuse liige Pille Ligi ja Ecobase tegevjuht Jaan Sepping.
Global Congress of the International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) and Eurosite - the European Land Conservation Network (Eurosite-ELCN)
The 2021 Global Congress of the International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) and Eurosite - the European Land Conservation Network (Eurosite-ELCN) will bring together an international community of private and civic land conservation practitioners to advance their work and build capacity by sharing expertise in conservation finance, law and policy, organization and governance, land stewardship, large landscape conservation, and conservation technology.
As nations around the world work towards ambitious targets to protect and restore biodiverse, climate-resilient ecosystems, private and civic land conservation is becoming increasingly significant at every scale- from micro reservas in Valencia, Spain to protected areas spanning tens of millions of hectares in Canada’s Far North. Targets such as protecting 30% of lands by 2030 can only be reached by taking a collaborative and inclusive approach that leverages and builds on the capacity of a range of land stewards - landowners, communities, and civic organizations, among others - to undertake voluntary, durable, and effective land conservation action.
Inspired by the beautiful Catalonian landscape, and using the digital tools available to bring together an ever growing community still facing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we invite you to join us in continuing to learn from and support one another in advancing the private and civic land conservation movement.
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